Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Pain

Everybody's all abuzz about the royal wedding. Millions of people will be glued to their TV sets watching the whole thing live as it happens. Not me.

I just don't get the whole idea of "royalty" -just like I don't get how this pope guy is any holier or closer to God than I am. Kings, queens, princes, and popes all share one thing in common: they're human beings underneath it all. None of these people have any special powers or abilities above and beyond what the general population possesses. Let's face it; their claim to fame -what sets them apart- is privilege. That's it.

So why do so many people think these people are special? Is it some sort of basic human need to have a couple superhero figures to look up to? If so, can't we all do better with our role models? For hundreds of years, in hundreds of countries, royal families have led the life of luxury while most of the common people around them paid their way while struggling themselves to survive. Why?

Kick all the royals out of their palaces and castles and make them earn a living like everyone else! And stop listening to the pope and the Vatican for your religious guidance and start talking to God more and doing your own work when it comes to learning the Bible!

Nuff said.