Monday, January 5, 2009

This is no time for parties...

Can I vent? I really must before I come apart at the seams.

I'm just SO fed up with hearing about partisan politics. It's the Democrats against the Republicans or the Republicans against the Democrats. Nothing gets done. It's just a giant pissing contest in D.C. Doesn't matter if have a good idea, if you're a Democrat you can rest assured most of the Republicans will be against it. And if you have a bad idea... well hey, as long as you're in the majority party and can throw enough weight around, your idea will get by.

Hate to break it to you, but we got a bunch of 5-year-olds trying to run the country. Any wonder why we're in such dire straits?!

I say do away with the whole idea of political parties. Elect people based on their record, their convictions, their experience, their moral character. Why does it always come down to having only TWO choices for president -those of the major parties. That's B.S.!! Why the hell does a person have to spend FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS to run for a job that only pays $250K/yr.?!? Does that make ANY sense whatsoever?!

We're being hoodwinked and we're too fat and lazy to care. Too detatched to get involved. Shame on us. Shame on me. God Bless the U.S.A.

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